Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

DEATH:My worst fear..!!

If there's one thing I fear in this world more than anything it's death.I just wonder how it feels like to die,wether it's painful or..many things just pop into my mind when I think about it but nevertheless I never want to find out.If I could i'd wish to have eternal life but then on the other hand what will be the use if everyone else around you isn't going to have the same fate.Why the hell should we die anyway?Is it nature's way of sustaining itself or is it God punishing us for the sins we commit?Even now as I write i'm getting goose bumps just at the thought of myself placed in a coffin and the pastor there holding a bible preaching,people crying e.t.c..really why do we have to die?Why does God have to punish us in such a way?Why does he give us life in the first place when he's going to take it away from us again?Why can't he just let us live and enjoy life?why?We want to live!I want to live!


If there's one thing i love in this world it's cars.Right now I probably have like every issue of 'CAR' magazine on my shelf!The car that comes top on my list of most loved cars right now is a 'HUMMER.'Hummers started out being used as military cars by the united states army,which is where it originates from.The model they used was the 'H1' which by far is the biggest of all the models available on the market.At that time it was illegal for anyone who's not a soldier to own it.Nowadays anyone whose got the 'bucks' for it can get themselves one.Two new models have also been introduced since the hummer 'H1' which are the H2 and H3 respectively.By far the H3 is the smallest of the three but there's another model scheduled to be released in the year 2010.It's model name has not been released yet but a few sketches of what it's going to look like are available on the internet and personally I think the makers this time have done an outstanding job this time.Nevertheless how a car looks depends on the owner.If you love your car enough you'll make it look beautiful.Some of the cars that appear in my list of most loved cars include porsche,lancer,subaru e.t.c.Cars are my ultimate passion and i don't think that will ever change!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

OUR CRAZY WORLD:Mob attacks woman for wearing shorts..?!?(Gaborone /Botswana

A 22 year old university of Botswana student was on Tuesday attacked by a bunch of ignorant people claiming her attire was too short to be worn in public.Kereng Mogomotsi(the victim) says she was doing her shopping in the main mall when a group of law enforcement wannabe's approached her claiming her pants were too revealing(i mean,in this day and age..??) and that the president had "outlawed" the wearing of such pants in public.According to an eye witness,yes Kereng was wearing short pants but it was nothing worth causing a fuss about.She said she had even come across some police officers ealier but they never said anything about her attire being "illegal."The group which was made up of young women was so persistant that even when she tryed to seek bail in a nearby taxi they knocked on the windows demanding that she get out so she could be dealt with by which they mean stripping her naked to embarass her.Such incidences are common in Botswana.Such people should be dealt with seriously by the law,i mean,who are they to want to dictate to other people on what they should or should not wear??Women aren't free because of such people and the worse thing is that the culprits always get away with it.It's high time the police of Botswana start doing something about this people so they get what's coming to them!They are dragging our country's name in the mud with such idiotic ideas.The world is proggressing and they should catch up!

Monday, October 20, 2008

MY FIRST TIME PART2(University life)

When i was in high school i used to be very anxious to get to university.I always pictured university to be like paradise,a place where everything runs smoothly.In movies for instance,they always show university students enjoying themselves,partying,clubbing,doing all sorts of nice things.Watching all this movies you'd probably think university is all about having fun,almost the same as high school life but just wait..!Experience it yourself and you'll see that movies are full of lies.University life is way different from that of high school.Back in my country Botswana high school life was much more relaxed.For instance,you could be given an assignment and have a whole week,sometimes even two weeks before submission yet you'll only start working on it a day before submission.Sometimes you'd just not do it and then give some silly excuses and get beaten then everything was back to normal, after all it didn't affect your final mark.Here in university everything you do affects your final mark.You fail one assignment and you're going to have to work extra hard to cover up for that assignment otherwise it's going to cost you at the end of the day.What's even worse is that nobody follows you around here and tells you to submit anything.the lecturer just gives you the submission date and whether you submit or not it's up to you.They'll just deduct marks for every extra day it takes for you to submit.One other bad thing about assignments is that if you keep on postponing doing them they end up increasing and thus becoming a big burden on you so the smart thing to do is to always start your assignments in time to make room for others.Another thing that differentiates university life from that of high school is that back in high school we were used to being spoon feed.We were taught,given notes and sometimes even past test papers to revise with,i mean,having all that, how could you possibly fail.Here in university it's a different story.Lecturers just come in and give you probably twenty percent of the information.How you get the remaining 80 percent it's up to you.The internet is your teacher here at university.You have to do a lot of internet researching in order to pass here.University is totally not for lazy people.Everybody lives their own life here so if you're used to being spoon fed or followed around with your work,this is definately not the place for you if you're not willing to adjust to the new way of life.

Friday, October 17, 2008


There's nothing in this world that i'm more passionate about like Bodybuilding.A couple of years ago this was not a very popular sport but nowadays more and more people are beginning to engage in the sport because they've started to understand it's significance.This sport involves a lot of weightlifting so as to build big muscles.It started out as a male sport but nowadays women are also enrolling into it.People though have a lot of prejudice towards female bodybuilders because they feel that a woman isn't meant to have big muscles like men."They look disgusting,"some people say.Bodybuilding requires a person to be disciplined both physically and mentally in order for them to achieve their goals.For instance,one has to visit the gym very frequently,at least 5 times a week and also nutrition.Nutrition plays a very big role in a order for someone to become a succesful bodybuilder but of course it doesn't come cheap so if you want to become a succesful bodybuilder you need to be prepared to spend a lot!There are a couple of well known bodybuilders but two names always come up at the top when we talk about bodybuilding and that's Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronnie Coleman.These two men are icons when it comes to this sport.Although Arnold is no longer actively involved in the sport he is still regarded as the best bodybuilder of all times.Keeping your body in this kind of shape isn't very easy which earns these two men a lot of respect because it shows they are well disciplined.It's high time people start engaging in this sport especially in this era where obesity is such a major concern all round the world.Get a good body and be admired!


There's nothing in this world that i'm more passionate about like fitness,well,bodybuilding to be exact.Back in the days it was not a very popular sport but nowadays more and more people are starting to understand it's significance and are starting to enroll into it.It is a sport which involves a lot of weight lifting so as to build up your muscles.It started out as a male sport but nowadays women are also engaged in it.I personally don't support women bodybuilders because i feel that a woman's body shouldn't be hard and tough like a man's,big muscles just aren't meant for women!Bodybuilding requires a person to be disciplined both physically and mentally in order for them to achieve their goals.There are a couple of well known bodybuilders but two names always come up at the top when you talk about bodybuilding and thats Ronnie Coleman and Anold Schwarzenegger.This two men are icons when it comes to this sport.Even though Anold is no longer actively involved in the sport he's still a well respected bodybuilder of all times.In order to become a succesful bodybuilder one has to watch mostly their diet.Nutrition is very important in this sport so this means you must be prepared to spend a lot if you want engage in this sport,after all your spending will pay off at the end with you having a well toned body admired by all especially from the ladies side.I'd recommend every man out there to engage in this sport to stay fit especially in this period where obesity has become such a major concern all around the world.Its high time people start shaping their bodies and the time is now!