Wednesday, September 17, 2008

my english experience

I have always liked English since primary school,from the teachers to the subject itself.Even my results showed that i had a passion for the subject.Things only started to change course when i started junior school.The teacher wasn't that bad,just that her style of teaching was very boring to the extent that you would just fall asleep before she even proceeded with her schedule for the day.But nevertheless i still managed to get good grades come the final exam.All along i had though my junior school teacher was boring but little did i know what senior school had in store for me.The first few introductory lessons were not that bad,with her passing jokes every now and then during the lessons.We wrote tests every month which were used to judge wether a student really understood what was being said in class or they were just pretending.We did fine for the first few months but things started to change course during the most crutial hour of our senior time.Her teaching style just started to bore us.She was teaching us like she was teaching a primary student,i mean,even a toddler wouldn't laugh to the jokes she passed in class.Even though our marks started to drop badly,no light showed her that maybe something was wrong with her teaching,she just proceeded with it.Every time i looked at the timetable and saw that English was there i would just get turned off.I lost interest to the extent i did't even care anymore wether i failed anymore.When the monthly results came and i had failed i would just fold up the paper and throw it away.That was the end of me as far as English was concerned,my marks kept going up and down.Even though i credited it in my final BGSE exam,it was not the grades i had wanted to earn.If my primary school teacher had seen them she would have been so disappointed in me.

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