Sunday, November 2, 2008

DEATH:My worst fear..!!

If there's one thing I fear in this world more than anything it's death.I just wonder how it feels like to die,wether it's painful or..many things just pop into my mind when I think about it but nevertheless I never want to find out.If I could i'd wish to have eternal life but then on the other hand what will be the use if everyone else around you isn't going to have the same fate.Why the hell should we die anyway?Is it nature's way of sustaining itself or is it God punishing us for the sins we commit?Even now as I write i'm getting goose bumps just at the thought of myself placed in a coffin and the pastor there holding a bible preaching,people crying e.t.c..really why do we have to die?Why does God have to punish us in such a way?Why does he give us life in the first place when he's going to take it away from us again?Why can't he just let us live and enjoy life?why?We want to live!I want to live!


dolphy said...

And now, whats up with El Negro!!!!!!! these kind of pictures yes,will freak you out about death!!! don't be crazy!!!

Fabregas said...

Lol I Love the last picture, dont mind dolphy, its freakishly nice. And dont be afraid of death man, how can ya live ya life when your scared of the aftermath.... Lol that didnt sound right....