Wednesday, October 1, 2008


They say first experiences are always the best but in my case,i honestly disagree with that statement.Ever since i was little i have always wondered what the world outside was like.I'd watch TV and see many different countries being advertised and i'd think to myself "wow!i want to go there!"Even my parents were always pushing me to work hard at school because they wanted to see themselves one day taking me to the airport going to school abroad.Indeed it has happened alright,but the outside so far has not turned out to be as i have always seen it to be on TV.When i left Botswana to come here to Malaysia,i was very excited; was my first time to board a plane; was my first time to go abroard.We had been told that Malaysia was so great,so peaceful e.t.c.Everything about Malaysia was just good good!Ten hour flight and we were in Malaysia.The first thing that i noticed when we arrived at the airport that contradicted the picture that was painted in our minds was the weather.When you are inside the airport building you would think that everything was okay because of all the air conditioners regulating the temperature inside,go outside...!It was so hot and humid i could hadly breath,thoughts of boarding the next plane back even started crossing my mind.We were taken on a brief tour around and yes some of the beauties that we were told about i saw but then i noticed another thing that we definately not told to expect in this 'good good' country.You'd be walking around the mall and when they turn around and see you they'd pace up as if a lion was behind them or something..?I decided to ignore this because i thought it was probably just me imagining things.A few extra nights passed and i saw that this was something that was still existing in some countries.Who would have thought in this day and age there would still be racists around!I mean,u'll be boarding the school bus and there you see a seat next thing somebody stands up when they realise you're coming for it and prefer to stand all the way as long as they are not sitting next to you?Well, thats another challenge i'v learnt to live with about this country.I'm not saying that everyone here is like that,but those kind of people are there!Well, i guess this are just things i should just learn to live with and continue with my life here in Malaysia.I got four full years to spend here and if i dwell much on the negative things about this country my studying here won't prosper.

1 comment:

kago masie said...

I aint tryin to offend anyone so just read with an open mind...